On the territory of the Park of Military Glory „Zhasorat“ (otherwise called Park TURKVO), on the street st. Mirzo Ulugbek (Kh. Abdullaev), 98 one of the most important and famous museums of Tashkent is the Museum of the Armed Forces. In it visitors are presented several expositions, telling about the most different historical facts.
Perhaps, one of the most important pages of history is the Great Patriotic War. The museum has exhibits that tell about the participation of the Uzbek people in this bloody protracted war that took the lives of millions of people. Here you can find many items, printed materials, other attractions that will tell you what happened on the territory of the republic in those terrible and difficult years. Also visitors of the museum can get acquainted with modern types of weapons, as well as with equipment that is guarded by the country.
Details of combat training, the importance of political education, the lives of military personnel – all this can be learned by visitors at the next exposition. No less interesting is the exposition, which tells about international exercises – they are held within the framework of the international partnership program. During the exercises various techniques, various types of ammunition, as well as all kinds of arms, are used – this is the subject of a whole graph of the museum of the armed forces.
The park of military glory surrounding the building will also add to the museum visitors new impressions based on the memory that should be kept from generation to generation, not letting young people forget about how hard the world got during the Patriotic War, what efforts it was made, important for all of us. Call – (+99871) 262 41 75.