
Charming restaurant, which pampers visitors invariably delicious and fragrant dishes of the Armenian and Georgian cuisine, envelops them cozy and homely atmosphere and brings down gallons of good nature and hospitality – a „Mimino“. The restaurant is good reason named after a famous movie. Here is a touching story of friendship of Armenian and Georgian resulted in appetizing extravaganza blending two culinary traditions. So, looking at Mimino, you will be able to merge in ecstasy at once with the two great gastronomic giants – the main thing to have enough forces. It is rather a tavern, not a restaurant, so you are literally on the threshold envelops friendly and pleasant atmosphere, and there is a feeling that after a long journey, you finally returned home to a warm and their homes. Seine decorate the charming footage of a good old movie, and strong tables and beckon to sit behind them and finally dive into the study, first, the menu, and then tastes fabulous. „Mimino“ always attracts the attention of tourists from the former Soviet Union, Russia and Uzbekistan – the prices are not sharp, unlike the dishes.


This restaurant appeared in the vast Armenian capital in the middle of the last decade, and immediately won the passionate adoration, both local residents and travelers. People come here to sit comfortably with a glass of wine, have a friendly party or celebrate some important event. In any event, all visitors with a wave of eye immediately converted into luxury guest, and after the first course, and good friends. Fortunately, that is not far from the most popular hotels in Armenia.


This helps a lot of wonderful cuisine and rich reserves of excellent wine. It is accepted hearty treat and amazingly delicious. Maybe specimens haute cuisine here, and croutons dish not decorate, but to break away from khachapuri, hot pita bread or a juicy Armenian shish kebab is simply impossible. A great campaign to hearty salads, tender stewed vegetables and incredible meat, flavored with herbs, will be intoxicating drinks Georgian and Armenian. Here you can find the best varieties of Caucasian wines Getap, Saperavi, Areni Hvanchkara and more. Do you prefer something stronger – taste a sip of sunshine, savor the real Armenian brandy, tasting local liqueurs and pay tribute to the cold vodka. The bill, of course, just too modest will not, but all the same institution can be included in the program of cheap travel.


The area of ​​the restaurant is divided into three halls: it is patrimony of Armenian cuisine, chambers of Georgian dishes and VIP lounge – so choose accommodation to your taste, and based on the number of people. Each room is decorated differently. The Armenian furniture decorated with charming hand-made dolls in national costume. Georgian, keeping up with the neighbor, also in its interior gives a brief digression on the history and culture of this nation.


To guests fun in „Mimino always sounds nice Armenian and Georgian music, which sounds quietly in the background without interfering with the smooth flow of table talk.


Home atmosphere, excellent cuisine and more than worthy of the price, have turned this place into one of the most popular in the city. So before you look here, especially if the output is planned for the evening, book a table in advance is better, or entrust the care of the hotel reception employees Armenia, where you left off.




Tel .:

(+ 374-10) 57 88 85

(+ 374-10) 57 88 86

(+ 374-10) 57 33 44

Address: RA, Yerevan, Alex Manoogian 7