
Экскурсионный тур в Шерабад

Nearly twenty-five thousand people live in the southern city of Uzbekistan. Locality situated on the banks of Sherabad, hides a lot of cultural and archaeological mysteries. This fact here attracts hundreds of tourists every year who want to touch his riddles.

Important historical significance of the whole complex

Available results of numerous studies allow a high degree of certainty say that this complex can tell a lot about the historical period that grips nearly two millennia before our era. International and domestic archaeologists have found there are three different cultural centers belonging to the Bronze Age:

  • Kyzylsu;
  • AEWA;
  • Bandykhan.

In these settlements, compact placed on the banks of the turbulent river Sherabad were made ​​numerous archaeological discoveries:

More than three thousand ancient tools, made ​​of stone;

  • Numerous animal remains;
  • The remains of our ancestors, allowing to conclude that gender and ethnic balance in the region;
  • Numerous books and artifacts.

In summary it can be said that the southern part of Uzbekistan keeps a lot more ethnographic monuments, architecture and culture. Who wishes to get acquainted with the rich culture of Central Asia should be sent to it here.