If you are a citizen of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Georgia or Ukraine, If you enter the territory of Uzbekistan for no more than 60 days, you do not need an entry visa.
Citizens living in these countries need to have a passport. Documents for entry are issued at the airport in Tashkent. Citizens living in other countries need an entry visa. An entry visa may be obtained at diplomatic missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad. Entry visa is issued on the basis of visa support of the Republic of Uzbekistan (permit mid). The simplified procedure for issuing visas is provided for residents living in the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Latvia, Malaysia, Switzerland, Austria, Japan and France. Citizens of the above countries may apply to the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad. What you need for visa support:
First of all, a copy of the passport.
Surname, name, patronymic (in full), gender, citizenship. Passport data (passport number, date of issue, when the expiration date expires); Date and place of birth.
You will need a certificate from the place of work, study.
The certificate must be printed on letterhead, must be stamped and signed; Company Name (Official. The name must be printed in full, without abbreviations); for students – an educational institution (the name is also full); You must specify the position. And also indicate your location (country, city).
Period of stay in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Specify how much you will be in Uzbekistan (days, weeks).
Preferred place of obtaining a visa (embassy or general consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan).
Usually, the procedure for consideration of documents in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes no more than 5 days. If there is no embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in your country, you can get an entry visa in a third country or at the airport in Tashkent. Rules for group visas: The group should consist of 10 people or more; 15 dollars per person (if the stay does not exceed 15 days); 25 dollars per person (if the stay is up to 30 days). Rules for single entry visas: $ 40 — up to 7 days; $ 50 — up to 15 days; 60 US dollars – up to 30 days. The tariff rate is increased by $ 10 for each additional multiplicity. A visa at a fixed rate will cost twice as much as the cost of a regular visa. The maximum visa period is 30 days. Application form for visa application to Uzbekistan
Visa application to Uzbekistan Tourist Visa to Uzbekistan
Personal information (English letters only) |
Surname*: |
Pervious Surname (if changed): |
Name*: |
Middle name and other names: |
Old patronymic and other names (if changed): |
Sex: |
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)*: |
Place of birth (city or region)*: |
Country of birth: |
Citizenship: |
Previous citizenship (if changed): |
Passport type: |
Passport №*: |
Date of issue of passport (dd/mm/yyyyy)*: |
Passport issued by*: |
Validity of passport (dd / mm / yyyy) *: |
Family status: |
(for married) |
Planned period of stay with (dd / mm / yyyy) *: |
Till (dd/mm/yyyy)*: |
Number of entries: |
Number of days (for each entry): |
(affects fees) |
(diplomatic missions in cities) |
Purpose of the trip (detailed) |
person or organization in Uzbekistan, telephone() |
(address and telephone number) |
(date, purpose and inviting party) |
(persons following in common and entered into the applicant’s passport) |
Occupation: |
(full name of the organization and position of the applicant) |
(country, city, street, house number, telephone and e-mail) |
(country, city, street, house number, telephone and e-mail) |
Antispam picture: |
Electronic tourist visa to Uzbekistan
On July 15, 2018, the e-visa portal began operating in Uzbekistan, where foreign citizens of some countries of the world (see list below) can apply for an electronic tourist visa, without the need to receive visa support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and without mandatory visits to diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan abroad.