

Jizzakh is a fortress city in the middle of the Great Silk Road.

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If you come for tourist purpose to the best country to visit in Central Asia, be sure visit Jizzakh region, as this is unique place that surprises you with its nature coolness, especially if trip fell on hot summer. Our company offers the best tours on https://eastroute.com


City first appeared at convergence of two caravans Great Silk Road. These roads led from Fergana either Toshkent oasis to Samarqand.

Currently, Jizzakh became regional center. It turned not only region administrative center, but also cultural, economic, scientific-educational.  Major Uzbekistan transportation hub passes through that area, through which travelers can contact many country regions.

City located on the way connecting two capitals: modern Tashkent, ancient Samarkand.

Whole area occupies 100 km².

Considering geographical point, Jizzak located near Sanzar River valley, at Nuratau Mountain northern side, Mirzachul steppe south. Distance from Tashkent takes 180 km. Jizzak located northwest of capital, but Samarkand northeast. Samarkand road will be a little shorter, about 90 km.


Climate feels like moderately warm. During winter, it rains much more than in summer. Nevertheless, even throughout year, there is not much rainfall. Average annual temperature falls 15.6°C. Average finished rainfall is 370 mm.

Nature features are primarily mountainous landscapes featuring coniferous forests. Today, Jizak juniper forests have been preserved under their original form only inside protected areas. The largest coniferous place considered Zaamin National Park. Its total acreage occupies 12 thousand hectares.


1972, republican significance sanatorium was opened beside Zaamin Mountains protected zone. All territory subsequently began called national park, it has not lost its significance till nowadays.

National Park featuring Reserve total space spread 20 thousand hectares. Unique landscape, temperature indicators make advisable region special. That especially felt when Tashkent stays weary against unbearable heat, which performance may reach over +45 degrees, Zaamin Mountains have clear coolness. Even through fields either steppe hills cool breeze blows, this descends off mountain peaks.


Central Asia travel Uzbekistan like having Jizak trip will be remembered leaving some mark in your heart, someday you wish again return after Silk Road trip or these parts.

Particular value among mountains are juniper trees, these conifers can reach 10 meters height, which suggests such juniper trees have decent age differ 180 to 800 years. Relic junipers, whose age can reach 2500 years, are preserved over some places. Of course, such rare plants stay under state protection, as they relate toward local attractions.