Every country on the planet has its own sociocultural features that make it truly unique. Turkmenia no exception, permanent in popularity. On this land, remembering Timurids and Sassanids dynasty, today, anyone can find architecture monuments, art, literature, which age is more than one hundred years.

Caring for historical and natural heritage

Numerous mosques, ancient libraries, observatories – grandiose Turkmanistan ancestors inheritance not only preserved, but multiplied many times. Multitudinous naturalical endowment country-sites, which has become well-recognized within our days, haven’t been left unattended:

Karakum Desert;

Lake Cou-Ata;

Darvaza’s blistering crater;

Repetek National Park;

Kugitang State Sanctuary;

Kometdag Biosphere Reserve and so on.

In order get to country’s capital, should be enough choose Turkmen airlines connecting Ashgabat with majority countries. Instant you arrive in commonwealth and check in hotel, city, immediately able begin unfolding with antique Nisa settlement, formed before modern chronology beginning. Historians believe that this fortification was stronghold of extremly powerful Parthian Kingdom. Looking around province, anybody could see lot cultural hereditament sites:

Archaic dynasties tombs;

Several temples;

Fortifications ruins.

Back toward Past travel opportunity

Everyone may feel special localic flavor by strolling through old bazaars. Old-timers note that situation here hasn’t changed since their grandfathers, likewise great-grandfathers days. Slowly wandering throughout narrow market streets, do not forget get acquainted with native carpet creating art, which definitely leave lot of positive emotions. Among other architectural and aesthetic masterpieces, certainly deserving attention, we might distinguish:

Antiquated Gonur Depe town;

Darvaza gas-crater;

Parau-bibi Mosque;

Dehistan Valley;

Dinosaur Plateau;

Erk-Kala Citadel;

Obsolescent Merv;

Yangi-Kala Canyon “fire fortresses”.

Don’t ignore, that long walks shell contribute to appetite, so look in local taverns, where hospitable hosts would gladly offer us taste nationalic dishes. Each republic has its individual gastronomical symbols, Turkministan is no aberration. Once someone tasted real melon, he’ll indeed visit gastronomic paradise. Come acquire burning Turkmenian tour tickets, full information available on our website.

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