
1 star
42 $/night

Hotel Fergana is located in Fergana city, on Margilani Street, 33. Tourists are offered accommodation of different price categories. There are ordinary rooms with a minimum set of furniture, and there are luxury rooms, reminiscent of the palace chambers in miniature. To get to the city center, it is necessary to cover a little less than four kilometers. Such proximity makes it possible to enjoy the sights, while spending little energy and precious time. From the airport, which is situated in Fergana, you have to cover about seven kilometers to reach the hotel, but by transport it takes very little time. The hotel rooms are quite comfortable, as each room is furnished for guests with all the traditions of famous hospitality.

Check availability
Double standard room
Double standard room
Single standard room
Single standard room
Accommodation Policies
Prepayment / Cancellation
Allowed Cancellation: No
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