The antique settlement is located in the neighbourhood with the natural boundary Khanga woman and consists of a set of ancient burials. By rough estimates, the most ancient belong in 4-5 centuries B.C. By results of historical and ethnographic expeditions important information which allowed to improve knowledge of scientists of this historical area was collected. So, valuable data were received about the disappeared nationalities of the period of juice and massaget.
So, at distance of 18 kilometers from the city of Shetpe there is a small settlement of Akmysh. Despite remote location tourist flows here constantly increase. In this area there is one of the famous cultural pamyatnikov-Kyzylkala that in translation means “the red city”.
Near ruins of the antique settlement are located surprising beauty of the gorge Sazanbay and Samal. Tour operators across Kazakhstan advise if you have enough time, then it is worth overcoming 30 more kilometers and to reach the natural boundary Khanga woman. Many note that exactly here it is possible to drink the clearest spring water in Kazakhstan. Besides, on the course of a natural source bushes of various berries and also amazing forests grow. Many consider that in this territory there is a cemetery with the mosque Khanga woman.