One of the most sad pages of the history of Uzbekistan – the time of brutal repression – is displayed in the Museum of the Memory of Victims of Repression, which is located opposite the Tashkent TV tower in Amir Timur Street.
The beginning of persecutions of the Uzbek people was laid back in tsarist times, then there was the Soviet time, known by Stalin’s regime. It was then that hundreds of people actively defending their rights (and often they were the so-called rich people – people who earned their property by an outrageous route, and not those who were simply tricked by their fellow citizens), were forcibly evicted from the country, and sent to exile .
The tragedy of many families, death, humiliation – all the pain of perennial repression is fully displayed on the stands of this museum. Step by step the museum reveals the most significant events for the people – the uprisings, the disintegration of the Kokand Autonomy, the movement organized by the Jadids.
Here facts are widely presented, revealing many events of the cotton business, as well as the horrifying archipelago of the Gulag. The museum was created not only for modern citizens to learn about historical moments, but more to make the immortal memory of those people who at the cost of their lives tried to make the present life much better.
The heroes of the museum are examples on which generations after generation are to be brought up, people who can make their land a worthy power, learning from examples of tragic and sad events of the past, should be nurtured. The museum is surrounded by flower beds, as a wonderful tribute to the memory of the dead. Also it is surrounded by young tuja, visually reminiscent of obelisks. Call – (+998 71) 212 42 46.