On the street Astronomical, 33 located in tune with the name, the largest and unique of its kind the Astronomical Museum. It is here that the breadboard model of the meridian quadrant is located, as well as the table “Zij-i-Kuragoni”.
The museum is divided into several thematic sections, each of which has its own direction. For example, in the department of the birth of astronomy in the region you can find out how it happened, and how significant it was for the development of astronomy throughout the world science. Visitors can get acquainted with the oldest telescope of the Englishman James Short, the octant mechanic from London Hadley, the reflector of the famous English optician Dollond. Here there are a variety of chronometers, one of which was the main one for the Tashkent observatory for several decades.
Guests of the museum will see German and French telescopes from different eras, as well as the legendary celestial globe, which was created by Muhammad Shareef Bukhari. In addition to technology, visitors to the museum will also get acquainted with the medals of local scientist Stefan Kozik, received for the discovery of two comets.
Of course, the museum also has a portrait gallery, which displays the most famous and honorable astronomers of all time. Unique and modern Uzbek astronomy, which tells about the study of our planet, galaxies, stars. Uzbek astronomers actively cooperate with colleagues from other countries – American and German scientists – opening up new sensational discoveries.
The Museum of Astronomy is a place where you really get into a completely different world, the world of stars and planets, the world of the richest collection of astronomy objects of different times, a world of unnatural and still completely unidentified. Call – (+998 71) 235-81-02.