Ristan is one of the oldest cities in Fergana Valley located about 50 km from Fergana. City became famous for its ceramics interesting among Uzbekistan group tours. Ristan masters became famous all over world and occupy pride place within world museums expositions.
First time, town is mentioned inside geographical treatises early 9th century. Subsequently, different travelers featuring geographers often described this town in their records. However, township existed before mention it. During ongoing archaeological research excavations found remnants buildings, furnaces, were fired ceramic, numerous bronze, glass, ceramic objects dating back 9th-12th centuries. Also found ancient defensive walls remains, destroyed by mudflows V centenary.
Beginning ancient Rihtan heyday considered 715, when Ferghana Valley was under Arab rule Kuteiba. Convenient location troughout intersection caravan routes off India, Persia, China, Middle East gradually turned into important transshipment trade centers Great Silk Road. Several mosques either madrasahs built, infrastructure for irrigation established. All craft quarters located on outskirts. Hostel “kalyandarkhan” dervishes are opened placement where scholars featuring writers off that epoch gathered. Same period can be called rapid development beginning pottery-ceramic craft.
Powerful mudflow almost completely destroyed township. Soon after, new settlement emerged its place, which Tatar-Mongols ruined 13th centenary. Many potters-ceramists forcedly left city moved to Samarkand, where they took part into construction decoration numerous surviving complexes; religious buildings constructed according Amir Timur designs.
New revival flourishing Rushdona came at end XVIII century, when it gradually began becomes large regional center forward glazed ceramics production. At same time, master chinnipases Usto Jalil (Abdu Jalol), Usto Kuri (Abdujamil) restored technique production special pottery type, faience-chinni, which was lost. Ceramists were invited decorate Urda Palace in Kokand, residence Gods Khan (the Garden of Khan), many others.
Currently, Rushtan ceramists take an active part within restoration pristine architectural monuments.
During Fergana Valley tour Uzbekistan there will be an opportunity visit settlement on site antique Rushtan either ceramic workshops of well-known masters.