We would like draw your attention to another architectural heritage, which of high interest. Khiva tour package certainly includes a visit to this amazing place. Not far from gate Kunya-Arch is Madrasah Muhammad-Rahim-Khan. This madrasah considered one of largest in Kiva city. Building was built on Khon Seyida Mohamed-Rohim II orders. He was famous poet. His poetic nickname known as Feruzshah. Firuzshah lived in time of invasion of Khieva territory by Tsarist Russia (1873 year). That invasion led toward Russian protectorate. Rectangular shape with four highyard and small towers around corners. Portal of Madrasseh rather big – it has flank wings and extensive five-span arcade recession. Madressah khudjras (study rooms) are blocked by domes called “Balhs”. There many living rooms in Medrasah, same way compartments for different household needs kinds.