Left off the road, within Ichan – Kala center, there’re two madrassas. One of them associated with name Arab – Muhammad – Khan, likewise other named Muhamad – Amen – inak. Both madrasas are historical monuments. First was built approximatly 1616, wherein second about one thousand eight hundred’nd thirty-eight. Arabkhon madrasah had been erected to commemorate capital Khorezm transfering toward Khiva (from Urgench). During Alla – Cooley – han reigning, madrasse was remade. Inside secondly mentioned madrase, near south yard iwaan, there’s crypt. Legend has it that Muhamed – Omin – Inok is buried there. Reffering towards another version, there’s his young son burial. If someone looks at madressa from above, he can clearly see rectanglical shape. It’s a rectangle stretched in cross direction. According to Uzbekistan tour opeerators, this form of construction represented very common in those years.