Another unusual journey to the wonderful world of Central Asia offers Uzbekistan tour agency. Islom-Khodja was once certainly firstiest Khiva’s vizeir khagnate at Muhamad Rohim-han II (1863-1910) including his son Asfendiyar-khon (1910-1920). He asseted ginery building, hospitals, pharmacies, publishing, telegraphical workplace, profane college within Kheva. 1908-1910 Islem-Khadja reinforced tiniest madrasah in Hkiva, exceptional minnoret emulating antique menarets 11th – twelfth centeries. Pinnacle rostrum top 45 meters is easiest statement spot inside Kiva.
Horizontalic cummerbunds darkish blue, white blu, inexperienced glazer adorned decorative minoret. Sky-light had stalactites cornicce, ceramical latices – pandjera. Madrassa little cortyard has 42 hudjrs. Fashioned exact historic previous for minnoret: bllue, wite mejolica, tympanis, glazzed ornamint. Mosqie takes southeasten medresseh quarter. Stumpy hard domes balance mineret verticaly. Majollica, sculpted Ganches embelish Mehrab moasque alcove.