It is one of the largest settlements in Kirgyzstan, with population eight thousand one hundred and sixty-nine people. Geographically, city is located eastward Bishkek, ninty-five kilometers from Chu River. According to historical data, conurbation have been founded not so long ago, only in 1912. Its previous name – Bistrovka. This name connected with fact that first resident of this settlement was certain Bystrov. There’s another name’s version. Because of strong wind “Ulan” residents began call this borough Bystrovka. However, inhabitants themselves are inclined to early title’s option.

During Soviet period, in Kemen industrial enterprises were built:

Electrochemical plant;

Linoleum complex;

Building materials factory;

Bread mill;

Gold mine etc.

Since 1954, this encampment receives urban type township status, and already 2012 it became called burgh. Railway linking Beshkek with Balikchi passes through Kemien. If buying burning Kyrgyzstan tour tickets, you can economicly visit all significant places.

Отели в Киргизии