Due to its unique geographical location, the climate in Almaty is characterized as rapid changes, as well as the surrounding city scenery. Moreover, even in the metropolis, sprawling in the valley, you can feel the difference in temperature in the northern part, which borders with hot deserts, and in the south, which rests on the foothills of the mountains, the slopes of which descend not only rivers but also icy cold peaks. Even in the summer months in the dark here can be quite chilly. And this despite the fact that during this period the temperature in the city is quite comparable to that and in Sri Lanka. The city in winter covers in icy armor of frost, as well as the northern towns of Norway.
Despite this, less than half a year Almaty knows no frost. But it is certainly in the valleys, climb higher if, in the south turns over mountain town, it will become colder. So even within the two-week trip, tourists will be able to taste all the different weather. Just as in the well-known European mountain resorts, where in one day you can experience all the charms of warm summer weather, and feel your body is cold, the full flavor of fresh snow breath of mountain glaciers. At the same time the wind blows here is not so much, and the sun pleases residents very often, more than 1500 hours per year. So nature itself perfectly equipped this territory, and to visit Almaty and locals can learn the local beauty and engage in all kinds of sports.