In accordance with words of Ibn Battuta, who was Arabian traveler, the sheikh of Central Asia Burkhan ad-Din Sagardji was a Muslims’ leader in Beijing. And he said that they met in India before.
After the death of Sagardji, his elder son Abu Said conveyed his body to Samarqand and interred beside mazar of Samarqand with inscription “sheikh Basir under father’s will”. Abu Said Sagardji stayed in Samarqand and took up a place amidst the most respected clerics at Amir Temur’s court. Amir Temur decided to construct a mausoleum above the grave of sheikh Burkhan ad-Din Sagardji. The mausoleum was given a name Ruhabad that has a meaning “House of Spirit”.
The sons of Sagardji, Abu Said and Shaikhzoda Islom ad-Din and also the other relatives of Sagardjis’ family were interred there later, particularly, their mother “Chinese princess “, and the wife of sheikh Sagardji. Old men tell different legends about this place one of them is that under the dome there is a box with seven hairs of Prophet Muhammad. Ruhabad mausoleum flanks the summer mosque, which decor bears tracks of Chinese traditions or eastern-Turkistan. At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th there was a minaret added to the complex.