In Samarqand located two mausoleums of Arabian clan of Abdi coming back to the Caliph Usman connected with burial places of Islamic lawyers. These mausoleums are Abdi-Darun and Abdi-Birun. The former was situated inside the city, and was founded in the 17th century by famous minister called Nadir Divan-beghi at tomb of Khodja Abdi who was considered as a first Islam preacher in Samarqand. The mausoleum of Abdi-Darun was planned to build by his scion Khodja Abdal-Maz ad-Din who was Qazi of Samarqand in the 9th century. The basis of constructions comes back to the 12th century. In the beginning of 15th century a room for bending the knee was appended and as well the water reservoir in the courtyard.