Visit these places are recommended for those who love climbing. In the Central Tien Shan is a place that has always attracted fans of mountain peaks everywhere. The top of Khan Tengri (translated means « the one who commands the spirits »), the height of which exceeds seven thousand meters, is considered the point Naivysočajšij country. The top, which resembles its shape pointed pyramid, easily visible from any point to any surrounding its territory.
Today, ethnographers have lost count, recording numerous tales, incredible legends that are directly related to the mountain. For example, the popular rumor christened the mountain « Mountain of God » or « Bloody Mountain ». The meaning of the name is easy to understand the second. Every year the mountain takes a great tribute to the lives of those who have decided to throw a strong challenge. Another assumption is based the fact that the peak of the sunset period becomes blood red, which gave rise to an unusual name.
Today, it is located in Kazakhstan Upland, who managed to conquer not all. For example, « North Face of Khan Tengri » is haunted by climbers for many years.