This conservation area is one of the oldest not only in Kazakhstan but also in the whole region of Central Asia. The interaction of local authorities and UNESCO, this park was able to obtain the status of a biosphere reserve of international importance. Located conservation park in the immediate vicinity of the Western Tien Shan mountains at an altitude in excess of two thousand meters. Features locations allow park in one place to watch a variety of high-altitude zones:
- dry;
- semi;
- steppe.
Walking through the park, you can see how mnogotravnye steppe steppes give way to a place where dozens of meters there is nothing alive. Here you can also find a great diversity of famous alpine flowers growing at the base decorated with snow-capped mountains. For years, the park is a protected area, because almost in one place, you can find those kinds of plants which already are not present. It’s time zit conservation park « Aksu-F abagly » visitors and a great diversity of species of fauna. For example, here you can find:
- ermine;
- stone marten;
- lynx;
- roe;
- deer;
- goat;
- wolf;
- fox;
- bear;
- chukar;
- swallowtail butterfly;
- jaundice;
- ular;
- flycatcher, and so on.
The special pride of the reserve is famous tulip Greig and morin Canada, which are often quite tsya th meeting on the territory of the protected area of Ria. If u can go higher, there can easily find this art gallery, where a variety of rocks are carved figures. The whimsical combination of light images on dark stones creates the illusion of a small glow in the sunset time. These drawings depict numerous species of animals, common in these places, as well as paintings of the everyday life of local residents.