Those who wish to visit this tomb should go to a small village of Sohar, located nearly 25 kilometers from Bukhara. The tomb was built on the site of the last resting place of the famous Sufi of Hodjagon tariqat Amir Kulal, who died in the XIV century. It is believed that he was one of the best students of Muhammad Baba Samosi.
Amir Kulol had a great many of followers that contributed to the popularity of the particular place of his burial. However, this did not affect the construction of even a small monument at the grave of the scientist-theologian.
After independence this complex witnessed many changes. For example, by the decision of certain believers from Kagan, who were supported by many other followers of the cult living in other countries, at the final resting place of Amir Kulal a shrine was built.
It should be noted that this religious building is not very exquisite. The fact that his loyal disciples did not accurately identify the burial place of the teacher shouldn’t be forgotten. This adversely affected the accuracy of the construction site. Only in 2008 it was possible to precisely determine the grave of the famous scientist, after which the famous memorial was built on.
Archaeological surveys have made it possible to recreate the interior of the burial chamber. It is believed that it was decorated with numerous inscriptions. The second room was decorated using elegant curly masonry, allowing architects to outplay the interior space with light and shadow. The construction of the followings too dates back to this period:
1. An 8-sided artificial reservoir;
2. A minaret whose height exceeds 10 meters;
3. A cozy garden with many paths;
4. The massive gates, decorated with exquisite carvings;
5. Rooms for believers;
6. Premises for ritual purification.