The most popular legend has it that the name of this area comes from the functional purpose of this place. For many years here mass public executions were carried out, accompanied by a large amount of blood. The sand covering this area had to absorb all the blood of the victims.
Geographically this area is located west of the official residence of the rulers of Bukhara. In those days the royal residence was considered a major center of the city. Some historians suggest that in those days before the Ark there was quite an extensive depression, which the ruler commanded to fill with sand in order to build the square of Registan, which means « sandy place ».
The following socially important facilities were built at the Registan Square:
1. Trading shops;
2. Palaces of nobleman;
3. Mosques;
4. Offices;
5. Hospitals;
6. Pharmacy;
7. Colleges for doctors;
8. Outpatient and day clinic.
Numerous facts show that in the thirteenth century AD on the Registan Square the buildings of various ministries, palaces and markets were located. In the XVI century, the area became an important trading center, where utensils, hats and different types of food were sold.
In the immediate vicinity of Ark one of the largest markets of the time Bozori Respon was located. At this point, not only a brisk trade went, but also numerous sports events and bloody executions were held. Also in this area there was a large Madrasa of Poyandi Dar al-Shifa.
Of all the architectural diversity, which at various times, existed on the territory of the Registan Square only Bolo Hauz (means « at the pond »), survived which includes:
1. A water reservoir;
2. A minaret;
3. A mosque for Friday prayers.