In Mirabad district on the street Istiqlol, 30 is the famous Tashkent Public Health Museum KS Zairov. Its founder was Professor M.Ya. Yaravinsky. The health museum begins its history with the bust of the medieval Persian philosopher, doctor, scholar Abu Ali Ibn Sina (known as Avicenna), who is recognized as a great healer.

The walls of the museum, on which reproductions of oriental miniatures are placed, are also unique, each of which transmits visitors one of the most important topics of hygiene and medicine. For example, one of the phenomena tells about the eastern bath – hammom, known for its healing abilities. Here are the lessons of the physician Ibn Sina (he was also called the father of the doctors of the planet), who was admired by Michelangelo himself.

In the main halls in the pictures are the rules of hygiene and the history of medicine. These are truly unique reproductions, simply considering which the entire development path from the appearance of the first medicines to the methods of modern medicine is vividly represented. The importance of maintaining cleanliness is also clearly conveyed – in fact, this aspect in old times served as the reason for the early death rate and the spread of horrible, death-bearing diseases.

There is also a department that talks about the prevention of spreading infectious diseases – despite the perfection of medicine, today people are also often infected by various infections. But the biggest interest of the health museum is represented by a glass man, who all over the world has only five pieces. This is a full-scale mock-up of a man, all organs of which are reproduced with amazing accuracy. In addition, when studying the layout, you can use alternate illumination of internal organs. However, you can look at this miracle only by prior request. Call – (+998 71) 233 40 53, 233 42 78, 233 41 53.