This mosque, whose construction was begun on the order of Mirzo Ulugbek Kuragan, is a basic element of the famous architectural complex Dar- ut Tilavat. The total area of the sacred building, the shape of which resembles a perfect square is 12,52 meters by 12,61meters. The upper part of the mosque is presented in the form of a dome, set on a cube. On the inside of the dome there were multiple sacred inscriptions. From each of the four sides of the mosque it is surrounded by a special niche, the depth of which varies from 4,4m to 4,6m.
Long-term studies of this complex revealed that every kind of sacred inscriptions refers to a particular cultural epoch. For example, the inscriptions found on the portal of the mosque are the excerpts from the Holy Quran. Much of the interior decoration of the mosque has a lot of repeating sentences inflicted using yellow paint on a blue background.