In distant nineteenth century lived talented architector Swarichevsky. It was he who created one-story erection of burnt brick, with rectangular windows, where there are doric pilasters inside sheets. Once upon a time this mansion, with terrace decorated with stained glass window and porch overlooking neat garden belonged to general’s daughter Bukovskaya Elena. Her father was general in Kuravitsky army. After revolution, however, building had been taken over by Danish diplomatic Mission “Red cross.” It, led by Alf Brune, solved question of Austria-Hungary war prisoners future fate in Central Asia. Uzbek USSR Foreign Ministry’s located within residence with dorical friezes. Later, approximatly one thousand nine hundred ‘nd ninties, Uzbekistans Society for Cultural Relations & Friendship with transcontinental countries. Going on Tashkent trip, anyone wants visiting maximum popular outlets. But that’s if archaeology is particularly interested, and history as a whole. So much, that you have chosen archaeological Uzbekistan tours. Then, you should definitely visit this extraordinary country-house, which still stands upon Akhunbabayev (Ikansky) and Suleimanova (Vorontsov Sky Avenue) streets corner.