Alexeyev edifice;
If you decide join Samarkand tour, enjoy observing religious city shrines, don’t miss Alexeiyev palace.
Construction date — 1911
Sanctification — 1912.
It is named after St. Alexis, Entire Russia Metropolitan.
Megachurch’s re-creation beginning — 1992. Building-construction project had been proposed by an architect from St. Peters burg — F. Smirnoff. In 1909, church constructing began, which was preliminary consecrated. Fabrication got completed by 1913 year. In twentieth years of the 20th century, Bolsheviks seized power within country. Procathedral stood forgotten, correspondingly used as erection meant for completely different purpose for prolonged time.
Further history;
Presumably, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, building’s domes were demolished. Likewise, domicile with bell has gotten dismantled. Sacrificing person Alekseevsky Cathedral-building itself was situated inside military unit town. When it’s become removed from this place, worship house became handed over to authorities. Moreover, for some period it served like state museum-reserve. It wasn’t until 1996 that house transferred to Orthodox Church-sanctuary. Temple’s sanctifying happened on November thirteen, 1996 by Patriarch Alexis Second. This event timed coincide with celebration, dedicated 125th Tashkent & Central Asian dioceses anniversary honor. More information available in respectable Elite Tours International company.
Alexeyiv Cathedral-mansion located at: Bobur Mirzo Street, 70
Phone number: (998-662) 33-54-80
February 25 — patronal festival celebrating
Cathedral’s senior priest: Roman, bearing ecclesiastic rank