Uzbek beauty

Oriental girls’ beauty is known throughout the world after Central Asia tours. Besotted by young beauties love, poets were ready lay at their feet this entire world. So, one poet named Shirazi was ready give Bukhara and Samarkand for his beloved mole.

The main girls pride is their hair attraction, which they braid in pigtails. Hair caring secrets passed from one generation to another.

After reaching age of 7, little girls became plaited from 4 to 8 tails made direct parting.

With such haircut, beauties’ hair looked longer either thicker, posture became even. Pigtails could be worn about 7 days without caring, which helped a lot during hot weather.

Bride hairstyle was significantly different, changes were made towards it. Before wedding, girl braided just 40 braids, jamalak threads braided at ends.


Word jamalak comes from t Arabic jamal, which means loveliness.

Jamalak threads are made of silkworm, cotton. After that, threads boiled in paint then dried.

Bridegroom was also trimmed two curls on each side. Within sweet syrup help, cropped locks twisted into curl.

Inside these ringlets girl inserted tubes decorated with precious stones or pendants for holidays.

Braiding tails tradition is gradually becoming a past thing.


We invite you visit Uzbekistan with and participate on weaving Uzbek braids master class in Mitan village, where inhabitants have managed maintain their original culture for centuries.