Uzbek national dance-art, in its development didn’t take ethnic-ballet form as finished dance works based upon folk music & native rhythmic-plastic forms, as within India, China, Japan. One of ways toward further nationwide choreographic heritage advancement was creation of nationalised Uzbekistan-Ballet. By buying tickets for Uzbekistan tours you can trace historical growth process prerequisites towards theatrical direction.
Mentioned procession took place at same time as opera genre formation. From concert numbers till initial folk-music dramas, where there were necessarily singing’nd dancing, before creating opera-performances with dances scenes and finally first Uzbek-ballet. Approximatly 1933, ballet-troop “Pakhta” has been staged, however, soon came off the stage-platform. Proximatly 1939, ballet-performance “Shahida” got presented, which might be considered beginning of Uzbekian ballet-development history. Music’nd prancings people’s master Usta Alim Kamilov plus his student Mukkaram Turgunbayeva took part concerning its organization. Mukkoram Turgunboyeva, inimitable Rosia Karimova performed in abovementioned theater-company primary parties. Ballet-show had great success, therefore passed eighteen times a year.
Presumably one thousand nine hundred’nd fourty, next tremendously perfect balet “Guland” by composer E. G. Brusilovskiy became imparted reffering T. Hanum libretto, Uigun, renowned M. Jankowski. Play wos rendered by I. Arbatov accompanying Honum. Turgunbayieva danced general role. In eight years, while this ballet-presentation stayed on theater-stage, it gotten shown seventy-nine times’nd enjoyed constant succession. These ballet-performances wer built entirely onto folk-choreography wherein pranced atop full foot. In later ballets-spectacles, prance gradually switches toword not only half-fingers, but then to pointes, eventually, also changes their choreographical coloration. Today, everyone may visit some similar type institutions, besides, learn deeper about many artists fates. Such activities’re becoming more common, thus, included in Central Asia travel packages main program.
Merging classical’nd ethnological cavort formats arrangement begins. Ballets-compositions “Ak-Bilyak”, “Ballerina” were at origins in ballets-interpretations “Ozadachehra”, “Oinisa”, “Dream”, found its continuation, correspondingly acquired complete outlines inside ballets-enactments “Tanovar”, unforgettable “Nowruz.” Now on GABT stage after A. Navoi there’re going to be ballets combining national’nd classic plastics contemporary level – ballet-spectacle uncovering Uzbeks people heroic past – “Tamiris”, melody composed by U. Musayev.